Who are we?
MuscleFit Program is a fitness plan created by experienced coaches with science and health backgrounds. It focuses on strength, weightlifting, gymnastics, and conditioning, offering personalized coaching and progress tracking through an app. Suitable for all levels.


Today's program for your training

Week 4 Training 3

Odense Crossfit program wallballs

Warm up

2 rounds

2 rounds:
10 x Dislocations with a stick
6 x Pike push ups (on floor) 
5+5 x Hip adductor rocks 
3 x Walkout with 4 x shoulder taps
10-12 x Scapula Pull ups 

A) Kipping Handstand Push ups

Two versions depending on level

Version 1:  2-3 Rounds

5 x Kick ups (against wall) 
3-5 Negative handstand push ups (3 sec down)
3-5 Kipping handstand push ups

Rest as needed between rounds

Comment: Kick ups: Try to do the kick ups against the wall as lightly as possible.
Negative HSPU: Kick up against wall and go 3 sec down.
Kipping handstand push ups: Build up with plates and ab-mats so it is possible for you to do 3-5 reps. Try to challenge yourself with the amount of ab-mats/plates (less=more difficult). If you are challenged then give it a try.

Version 2 (RX): 2-3 Rounds

5 x Kick ups to parallettes (against wall)
3-5 x Negative (go only down) HSPU on parallettes (4 sec down) 
3-5 x Kipping handstand push ups on parallettes

Rest as needed between rounds

Comment: Use ab-mats so it enables you to complete the drills.

B) Gorilla row & Banded straight arm pull down

3 sets of 10 reps (total)

3 sets of 12 reps

1-2 min rest between sets.

c) WOD

For time

200 m run
16 Snatch @25/40 Intermediate: @35/50 RX: @40/60
200 m run
12 Snatch
200 m run
8 Snatch
200 m run
4 Snatch
200 m run

Rest 3 min

200/300 m row
16 Clean @25/40 Intermediate: @35/50 RX: @40/60
200/300 m row
12 Clean
200/300 m row
8 Clean
200/300 m row
4 Clean
200/300 m row

TC: 27

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