Today's program for your training
1: Machine
2: AMRAP: Burpee box step over
3: Shuttle runs
4: AMRAP: 2 x Walkouts + 8 Lunges
1600 m ski
52 Push ups
52 Box jumps
3 Deadlift @30/40, Intermediate: @35/50
3 Clean and Jerk
3 Front squat
52 Box jumps
52 Push ups
1600 m ski
800 m ski
26 Push ups
26 Box jumps
3 Deadlift @30/40, Intermediate: @35/50
3 Clean and Jerk
3 Front squat
26 box jumps
26 Push ups
800 m ski
Comment: Divide the first and the last part as you like. In the middle part you are going to do one whole round before switching partners.