Who are we?
MuscleFit Program is a fitness plan created by experienced coaches with science and health backgrounds. It focuses on strength, weightlifting, gymnastics, and conditioning, offering personalized coaching and progress tracking through an app. Suitable for all levels.


Today's program for your training

Uge 1 Træning 4

Odense Crossfit program wallballs

Warm up

2 rounds with an empty barbell

10 x Front rack elbow lift
5 x Strict press
5 x Push press
5 x Front squat

1-2 min rest between sets

A) Strict press

5 sets of 5 reps strict press

Comment: 2-3 warm up sets before the 5 sets. RIR 1-2. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 1-2 more reps before failure).

Then with the 110 % weight:
6 sets: Every 30 sec

1 x power jerk

b) Back squat

B1. 2 sets of 5 reps

30 sec rest between sets

B2. 3 sets of 3 reps

1 min rest between sets

B3. 4 sets of 2 reps

90 sec rest between sets

2 min rest between the 3 parts

Comment: Add more weight when the reps get fewer. All sets with RIR 2. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 2 more reps before failure).

C) Pull ups / BMU drills (two versions depending on level)  

Version 1 - Kipping Pull ups:
2 rounds:

Choose one of the exercises from abo ve and pick a number to do for every min.

Version 2 - Bar muscle up (RX):
2-3 rounds of



2-4 Bar muscle ups

Comment: Use a band if you are challenged. Choose only the bar muscle up drills if you master the pull up.

d) wod

2 min on/1 min off x 6
1 round of:

10 Dual DB power clean @2x10/15 Intermediate: @2x12,5/17,5 RX: @2x15/20
10 Dual DB squat
10 Dual DB push press

Then alternate between:

Max effort cal bike erg / cal ski erg

Total time 17 min

Comment: Try to do the same amount of work on the bike erg every round and ski erg every round.

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