Today's program for your training
10 x Cat and Cow
10 x Alternating squat thoracic rotation
1: Single unders
2: Walkouts
3: Easy row
4: AMRAP: 4 Lunges + 4 Air squats
5 Box jump overs
10 Deadlift @30/45 Intermediate: 40/60 RX: 45/65
5 Burpees over bar
Rest 1 min
25 Jumping squats
20 Knee raises/knees to elbows/T2B
15 Hang power clean
10 Push ups
Rest 1 min
10 Atomic sit ups/V-ups
5 Thrusters
10 Lateral jumps over BB
5 Box jump overs
10 Deadlift @30/45 Intermediate: 40/60 RX: 45/65
5 Burpees over bar
Rest 2 min
25 Jumping squats
20 Knee raises/knees to elbows/T2B
15 Hang power clean
10 Push ups
Rest 2 min
10 Atomic sit ups/V-ups
5 Thrusters
10 Lateral jumps over BB