Dagens program til din træning
1: Disolations with stick
2: 30+30 sec Wall squat with twist
3: Banded full T hip opener (left leg)
4: Banded full T hip opener (right leg)
5 x Snatch deadlift
5 x Muscle snatch from hang
5 x Press from neck with snatch grip
10 x Overhead squats
A) Snatch complex
6 sets of: 1 x Hang Power Snatch + 1 x Snatch balance + 1 x Overhead Squat
Rest as needed
b) Strict press
4 sets of 4 reps tempo strict press (4 sec down)
Rest as needed
Comment: Do some warm up and then do the 4 sets with RIR 1-2. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 2 more reps before failure).
1: 400 meter Bike
2: 3 Wall walks/10 Handstand push ups
3: 6 Thrusters + 6 Bar facing burpees, @25/35 Intermediate: @30/45
4: 15 Ring rows/Pull ups
5: Rest
1: 30 sec Weighted Arch hold w. DB/plate if possible
2: 10 V-ups + 20 sec Hollow hold
3: Side Plank (Left) w. DB if possible
4: Side Plank (Right) w. DB if possible
Comment: Do some warm up and then build up in weight over the sets