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MuscleFit Program er et træningsprogram lavet af erfarne trænere med baggrund inden for træning og sundhed. Programmet fokuserer på styrke, vægtløftning, gymnastik og konditionstræning.
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Dagens program til din træning

Uge 4 Træning 2

Odense Crossfit Træninigsprogram Crossfit program wallballs

Warm up

2 Rounds

5+5 x Thoracic Rotation
10 x Dislocation (with a stick)
10 x Pull aparts
8 x Squat to stand 
8 x Reverse lunges

2 Rounds - with empty BB

5 x Snatch deadlift
5 x Muscle snatch from hang
5 x Press from neck with snatch grip
10 x Overhead squats

A) Snatch Complex

6 sets of: 1 x Low Hang Power Snatch + 1 x Power Snatch

Rest as needed

Comment: Low Hang = Below Knees. Do some warm up sets and then build up in weight over the 6 sets.

b) Back Squat

4 sets of 1 rep Back Squat w. 5 sec pause in bottom

Rest 2 min between sets

Comment: Do some warm up sets and then build to a heavy weight over the 4 sets.

Then use 95% of the weight

2 sets of AMRAP Back squat (without pause in bottom)

Rest as needed

c) Toes to bar

Every 90 sec x 5

5 x Kip swings + 5 x Leg raises/Toes to bar + 5 x Kip swings

Intermediate: 5 x Toes to bar + 5 x Pull ups + 5 x Toes to bar

Comment: Get your toes as close to the bar as possible

d) WOD

5 Rounds for time

5 Burpee Box Jump overs
10 Deadlift @45/65 Intermediate: @60/85
5 Burpee Box Jump overs

Rest 30 sec between rounds

TC: 10

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