Dagens program til din træning
8 x Supine scorpion
3 x Walkout
5 + 5 Squat with rotation
10 x Elbow rotations
6 x Deadlift
6 x Muscle clean
6 x Front squats
6 x Strict press
A) Squat Clean
Build to a heavy 1 rep of Squat clean
Rest as needed
Then 5 sets of barbell complex.
Start at around 50 % of the weight from before and try to increase the weight over the sets.
1 x Hang Squat clean + 1 x Front squat + 1 x Power Jerk + 1 x Back squat + 1 x BTN Power Jerk
Rest 1-2 min between sets
Comment: BTN = Behind the neck. Catch the barbell at your back after the first power jerk and do the second power jerk from behind the neck. Do one exercise at a time (no thrusters allowed).
B) Pause strict press
4 sets of 4 reps strict press with a 3 sec pause at your forehead (on the way up)
Rest 1-2 min between sets
Comment: Do some warm up sets and use a RIR 2-3. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 2-3 more rep before failure).
10 x Kip swings
8 x Single leg box assisted kipping pull up
4 x Eccentric kipping pull ups
3-6 x (Banded) Kipping pull ups / Kipping Chest to bar
5+5 One leg on a box (both sides)
5+5 One leg low box with a jump (both sides)
10 Hanging Reverse bicycle kicks (leg drive)
4-6 Strict fall through
5-10 Butterfly Pull ups / Butterfly Chest to bar
6 Pull ups / C2B
6 KB Clean & Jerk @12/16 Intermediate: @16/24 RX: @20/28
6 KB goblet lunges
2 x Hang Squat clean + 2 x Front squat + 2 x Power Jerk +
4 Burpee over bar (add 1 more burpees every round)
BB: @85% of the weight you ended on in the 5th sets of barbell complex.
Comment: In the second EMOM do the 3 exercises with the barbell and then 4 burpees over the bar. Add 1 more burpee every round until you can't complete the reps within the minute.
Comment: Build up over 5-7 sets until you have reached a heavy 1 rep. RIR 0-1. RIR= Reps in reserve (performed with a weight where you can do 0-1 more rep before failure).