Dagens program til din træning
20 sec Pigeon stretch (each leg)
8 x Bear rolls
8-10 x Cal Row
8 x Lunges
6 x Ground to overhead with a plate
4 x Burpees to plate (Jump to plate)
500 m Row
10 Wall walks / handstand hold
20 Deadlift @30/45 Intermediate: @35/50 RX: @40/60 / Deadlift hold
30 Power clean / front rack hold
40 Push ups / Plank hold
50 Ring rows/Pull ups / Dead hang
500 m Row
10 Wall walks
20 Deadlift @30/45 Intermediate: @35/50 RX: @40/60
30 Power clean
40 Push ups
50 Ring rows/Pull ups
Comment: One partner doing the dynamic exercise and one partner doing the static exercise. Split reps as you like.